About Us


The council is made up of: 

Four (4) elected positions for national, state-wide, and local organisations representing migrant and refugee women in Australia; 

Four (4) elected positions for national, state-wide, and local organisations working for the advancement and inclusion of migrant and refugee women in Australia; 

One (1) elected individual identifying as a woman from a migrant or refugee background who, in a personal capacity, is making a substantive contribution for the advancement and inclusion of migrant and refugee women in Australia, and who is not a representative of any member organisation; 

Four (4) ex-officio, appointed positions for national peak organisations representing migrant and refugee women and/or organisations working for the advancement and inclusion of migrant and refugee women in Australia. The Social Policy Group, as an auspicing organisation for the Alliance, will be one of the three ex-officio members; and 

One (1) appointed independent Chair. 

Elections to the Alliance Council are held every two years, with the next elections due in 2026. 

Current Council members are as follows:

Nyadol Nyuon OAM

Nyadol Nyuon OAM

Carla Wilshire OAM

Carla Wilshire OAM
The Social Policy Group (SPG)

Rana Ebrahimi

Rana Ebrahimi
Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (MYAN)

Corinne Kemp

Corinne Kemp
Migrant Women in Business

Adama Kamara

Adama Kamara
Refugee Council of Australia

Sandra Elhelw

Sandra Elhelw
Settlement Council of Australia

Tina Douvos-Stathopoulos

Tina Douvos-Stathopoulos

Dr Sabrin Farooqui OAM

Dr Sabrin Farooqui OAM
Cultural Diversity Network

Nesreen Bottriell

Nesreen Bottriell
Australian Muslim Women's Centre for Human Rights (AMWCHR)

Rita Anwari

Rita Anwari
Women's Empowerment and Leadership Association

Elizabeth Tunha

Elizabeth Tunha
African Women Australia (AWAU)

Fabiola Campbell

Fabiola Campbell
Professional Migrant Women

Felicity Fast

Felicity Fast

Natalia Muszkat

Natalia Muszkat
Individual Member